Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Version 1.3b
Dec. 6, 1993
A Library for Tseng(tm) and VESA HiColor(tm) Graphics
and Turbo/Borland(tm) C
Copyright 1990,1991,1993 Synergrafix Consulting. All Rights Reserved
HCSVGA is produced by:
Steve Enns Synergrafix Consulting
44 Macdermid Cres. - Custom Programming
Saskatoon, Sk. - Graphical and Numerical Software
Canada S7J 2R2 - Hardware and Software Consultation
Thanks to all the contributors to the absolutely superb graphics
Graphics Gems Academic Press, Edited by Andrew S. Glassner, 1990,
ISBN 0-12-286165-5
Graphics Gems II Academic Press, Edited by James Arvo, 1991,
ISBN 0-12-064480-0
Thanks as well to some greatly inspirational and explicit code
by Michael Abrash in the November 1991 Doctor Dobbs Journal.
Finally, great thanks to Daniel Lee Crocker and the Stone Soup
Group for numerous tremendous contributions to the public good
through PICLAB, and FRACTINT (the best program ever written) both
containing very enlightening Targa(tm) file code.
Trademarks like GIF(tm) and PC(tm) are held by
their respective companies.
The HCSVGA library and associated files (the "package") is provided
without warranty of any kind. The user of the HCSVGA package assumes
complete responsibility for any and all incidental or consequential
damages which may occur during normal or abnormal use of the
HCSVGA package. Use the HCSVGA package at your own risk.
The entire HCSVGA package, including the HCSVGA library,
documentation, and sample files are Copyright 1990,1991,1992,1993
Synergrafix Consulting. All rights reserved. The HCSVGA
package may be freely distributed to others by any means, as
long the following (three) conditions are met:
1) HCSVGA is distributed in a "package" containing
all the files listed in the HCREAD.ME file.
2) HCSVGA is not distributed as part of any other
product, except with specific written permission from
the authors.
3) NO fee of any kind is charged for the HCSVGA
package or for the service of providing the package,
except Computer Bulletin Board Systems or Services,
which may distribute the HCSVGA package even though they
may charge a membership or service fee.
If you are seriously interested in the source code for this
library, then write me a letter with your proposed uses for
the code, and I'll return a quote for the price. (Probably
$50.00-$100.00 with no royalties.)
HCSVGA requires the following:
- PC(tm)/XT(tm)/AT(tm)/386(tm) computer
- TSENG 4000 based Video Card equipped with
at least 1 Megabyte of display memory, and
a Sierra HiColor(tm) DAC chip, or an ATI XL
HiColor equipped card, or a VESA compliant
driver for you HiColor capable card.
- A compatible C compiler (currently
probably only works with Borland(tm))
See the following files for exmaple code using the library:
- HCTGAV.C View TGA(tm) files on your HiColor card.
- HCGIFV.C View GIF(tm) files...
- HCMOUSE.C Interactive mouse demo.
- HCART.C Draw HiColor patterns.
- MAKEDEMO.BAT Compile the demo programs.
- Version 1.0b Completed December 20 1991
Just a Beta version! Lots more to be done...
- Version 1.2b Completed May 20, 1993
Added support for other hardware - ATI XL (untested)
and VESA compliant boards, (like S3 based boards with
a HiColor DAC and a (bug free!) VESA bios.
- Version 1.3b Completed Dec. 6, 1993
Small fixes to bring the demos programs up to date with
the library, and small additions to the hctgasize and
hctgaview functions.
I would like to hear from users of the library. If no
one seems to be using the library, I won't release any
more versions. I would appreciate bug reports, with
examples of failures, and suggestions for additions or
improvments to the library. (I unfortunately cannot
promise that I will be able to reply to all enquiries or
comments, but I can promise that your comments will be
read and considered. I can also definately NOT promise
to help with programming problems!) Here are some ways
that I would like to improve the library:
- I will probably make versions of the library for
Microsoft C 6.0 and Watcom 8.5. (especially if someone
pays me...)
- I may combine this library with my SuperVGA library.
- I would like samples of Targa(tm) files (or GIFs) which
do not display properly when loaded with the
- Support for other graphics hardware. Hopefully, we will
be able to support new hardware and graphics modes as they
are introduced.
- Faster GIF(tm) and Targa(tm) decoding and encoding
- Faster everything else.
- More primitives, like antialiased lines, circles and so on.
- Small pop-up menu to work with the mouse
- Real Documentation!
- Support for 64k color modes.
- Graphics Macros/Defines
#define HC_SVGALO 0 /* 640x350 */ /* Not all modes supported */
#define HC_SVGAMED 1 /* 640x400 */ /* on all cards!!! */
#define HC_SVGAHI 2 /* 640x480 */
#define HC_SVGAHI2 3 /* 800x600 */
#define HC_SVGAHI3 4 /* 1024x768 */
#define HC_SVGAHI4 5 /* 1280x1024 */
#define XOR 0 /* BitBlt modes */
#define OR 1
#define COPY 2
#define RGB256INT(r,g,b) /* Make a HiColor color integer from
Red, Green, Blue values (all in 0..255 range)*/
#define RGBINT(r,g,b) /* Make a HiColor color integer from
Red, Green, Blue values (all in 0..31 range)*/
#define INTRED(c) /* Get Red component from HiColor color int */
#define INTGREEN(c) /* Green */
#define INTBLUE(c) /* Blue */
#define INTRED256(c) /* Red (0..255) range */
#define INTGREEN256(c) /* Green */
#define INTBLUE256(c) /* Blue */
- Graphics Functions
int hicolorDAC (void);
Check for existence of Sierra HiColor DAC hardware.
Returns: TRUE or FALSE
int tseng4000 (void);
Check for existence of TSENG 4000(tm) hardware.
Returns: TRUE or FALSE
int hcsetmodetseng (int Mode);
Set HiColor modes on TSENG 4000 HiColor hardware. The MODE
is 0..3 and defined in HICOLOR.H Not all modes are supported
on all cards.
Returns: TRUE or FALSE
int hcmodesize(int picwidth,int picheight);
Get a Mode number for the HCSETMODETSENG function above, given
the size of a picture that you would like to display. This
function currently just finds the mininum screen height that will
accomadate a given picture size.
Returns: integer 0..3 corresponding to Mode number defined
void hctextmode (void);
Set the video to text mode (bios mode 3).
void hcputpoint (WORD x, WORD y, WORD color);
Put a single pixel at location (X,Y) on the HiColor mode
graphics screen. color is a integer 0..32767 made up
of three 5 bit numbers representing (red,green,blue).
Use the RGBINT or RGB256INT macros to define a color
number from the red, green and blue components.
RGBINT defines a color integer given the red, green and
blue components as numbers from 0..31 (a "native" HiColor
15 bit color value.) RGB256INT returns a color integer
given the red, green and blue components as numbers from
0..255 (a "true-color" 24bit color). INTRGB and INTRGB256
perform the reverse operation - they return the red, green
and blue color components given a 15 bit color integer.
void hcputpointxor (WORD x, WORD y, WORD color);
As above, except XOR the color with the existing color
at the (X,Y) location.
void hcputpointrgb (WORD x, WORD y, WORD r, WORD g, WORD b);
Place a single pixel, specifying location and red, green,
blue color components.
WORD rgb265int (WORD r, WORD g, WORD b);
Function corresponding to RGB256 macro.
Returns: Color integer.
WORD rgbint (WORD r, WORD g, WORD b);
Function corresponding to RGBINT macro.
Returns: Color integer
void intrgb256 (WORD color, WORD *r, WORD *g, WORD *b);
Function corresponding to INTRGB256.
void intrgb (WORD color, WORD *r, WORD *g, WORD *b);
Function corresponding to INTRGB.
WORD hcgetpoint (WORD x, WORD y);
Get the color value of a pixel at location (X,Y).
Returns: color integer, 0..32767
void hcgetpointrgb (WORD x, WORD y, WORD *r, WORD *g, WORD *b);
Get the red, green, blue color values of a pixel at
location (X,Y).
Returns: red, green, blue in range 0..31
WORD hcgetmaxx (void);
Return the maximum x coordinate for the current HiColor mode.
WORD hcgetmaxy (void);
Return the minimum y coordinate for the current HiColor mode.
void hchline (WORD x, WORD y, WORD x1, register WORD color);
Plot a horizontal line from (X,Y) to (X1,Y) using "color."
void hcvline (WORD x, WORD y, WORD y1, register WORD color);
Plot a vertical line from (X,Y) to (X,Y1) using color.
void hchlinexor (WORD x, WORD y, WORD x1, register WORD color);
Plot a horizontal line from (X,Y) to (X1,Y), XORing
color with the existing color.
void hcvlinexor (WORD x, WORD y, WORD y1, register WORD color);
Plot a vertical line from (X,Y) to (X1,Y), XORing
color with the existing color.
void hcrectangle (WORD x, WORD y, WORD x1, WORD y1, WORD color);
Plot a rectangle from (X,Y) to (X1,Y1) using color.
void hcrectanglexor (WORD x, WORD y, WORD x1, WORD y1, WORD color);
Plot a rectangle from (X,Y) to (X1,Y1), XORing
color with the existing color.
void hcline(int a1, int b1, int a2, int b2, WORD lcolor);
Plot a line from (X,Y) to (X1,Y1) in lcolor.
void hclinexor(int a1, int b1, int a2, int b2, WORD lcolor);
Plot a line from (X,Y) to (X1,Y1), XORing lcolor
with the existing color.
void hccircle(WORD xc,WORD yc,WORD rad,WORD color);
Plot a circle at (XC,YC) using radius rad and color.
void hcfillcircle(WORD xc,WORD yc,WORD rad,WORD color);
Plot a filled circle at (XC,YC) using radius rad and color.
void hcbar (WORD x, WORD y, WORD x1, WORD y1, register WORD color);
Plot a filled rectangle from (X,Y) to (X1,Y1).
void hcclrscr (WORD color);
Fill the entire screen with color.
void hcputrow (WORD x, WORD y, register WORD w, register WORD *buf);
Fill a row starting at (X,Y) of width w, using the colors
from lbuf.
void hcputrowxor (WORD x, WORD y, register WORD w, register WORD *buf);
Fill a row starting at (X,Y) of width w, XORing the colors
from lbuf with the existing colors.
void hcputrowor (WORD x, WORD y, register WORD w, register WORD *buf);
Fill a row starting at (X,Y) of width w, ORing the colors
from lbuf with the existing colors.
void hcgetrow (WORD x, WORD y, register WORD w, register WORD *buf);
Get a row starting at (X,Y) of width w, putting the colors
into lbuf.
DWORD hcgetimagesize (register WORD left, register WORD top, register WORD right,register WORD bottom);
Get the size in bytes required to "hcgetimage" an area of
the screen defined by (LEFT,TOP) to (RIGHT,BOTTOM).
Returns: unsigned long integer of the
size in bytes of the region.
void hcgetimage (WORD left, WORD top, WORD right, WORD bottom, WORD *bitmap);
Get the area of the screen from (LEFT,TOP) to (RIGHT,BOTTOM),
placing the colors into buffer bitmap.
void hcputimage (WORD left, WORD top, WORD *bitmap, WORD drawtype);
Put a bitmap onto the screen at position (LEFT,TOP), using
drawtype 0..2 (XOR, OR or COPY, as defined in HICOLOR.H).
void hcputchr (unsigned char ch, WORD xpos, WORD ypos, WORD fg, WORD background);
Draw a single character ch at position (XPOS,YPOS) using foreground
color fg and background color BG. The (XPOS,YPOS) position refers
to the top left of the character. The characters are drawn using
the font from ROM.
void hcputstr (char *str, WORD xpos, WORD ypos, WORD fg, WORD background);
Draw a string onto the screen at position (XPOS,YPOS) using
foreground and background colors FG and BG.
void hcfill(int x,int y,int ncolor);
Flood fill a bounded area of the screen starting at (X,Y)
and using color ncolor. All contiguous pixels that are the
same color as pixel (X,Y) will be filled with color ncolor.
void hcpfill(int x,int y,int bordcol,WORD *pat,int pw,int ph);
Flood fill a bounded area of the screen with a pattern
PAT, which is PW pixels wide and PH pixels high. All
pixels not equal to bordcol will be filled with the pattern.
The pattern may be a simple array of integers, or may be
a bitmap captured from the screen, and converted using
WORD *hcimagetopattern(WORD *bitmap,WORD *w,WORD *h);
Convert a bitmap which was captured from the screen using
HCGETIMAGE into a pattern for use with HCPFILL.
Returns: WORD *pointer to a pattern, and the width
and height of the pattern.
- Mouse Macros/Defines
#define GRCURSORSIZEX 11 /* Max. graphics cursor width in pixels */
#define GRCURSORSIZEY 15 /* Max. cursor height in pixels + 1 */
#define GRCURSORNUM 10 /* Max number of default and definable cursors */
#define ARROWCURSOR 0 /* Graphics cursor types */
#define CROSSHAIR 2
typedef int grcursortype[GRCURSORSIZEX][GRCURSORSIZEY];
typedef char mousestr[80];
- Mouse functions
int initmouse(void); /* Init. mouse driver */
Low-level mouse initialization routine. Checks for
mouse driver, initializes.
Returns: TRUE for success.
void showmouse(void); /* Show (text) cursor */
Show cursor (text mode only).
void hidemouse(void); /* Unshow (text) cursor */
Hide cursor (text mode only).
void getmouse(int *x,int *y,int *buttons);/* Get position */
Get current mouse position (X,Y) and button state (BUTTONS).
void putmouse(int x,int y); /* Place mouse */
Set mouse position to (X,Y).
void getmousebuttonon(int button,int *buttonstate,
int *numpresses,int *x,int *y);/* Get buttons pressed */
Get mouse button press state. Returns number of presses, (X,Y)
void getmousebuttonoff(int button,int *buttonstate,
int *numreleases,int *x,int *y);/* Get buttons released */
Get mouse button release state. Returns number of releases, (X,Y)
void setmouserange(int x,int y,int x1,int y1); /* Set range */
Restrict the movement of the mouse to the rectangle defined
by (X,Y) of (X1,Y1).
void getmousemotion(int *x,int *y); /* Get movement */
Return mouse movement in (X,Y).
void setmousemove(int x,int y); /* Set sensitivity */
Set mouse sensitivity to (X,Y).
void setgrcursor(int index,grcursortype newgrcursor);/* Set cursor bitmap */
Set the type of graphics cursor to be used to index.
Predefined cursors are defined as 0..4 in HICOLOR.H.
void putgrcursor(int x,int y); /* Place graphics cursor */
Put the graphics cursor at location (X,Y).
void unputgrcursor(void); /* Remove graphics cursor */
Remove the previous placed graphics cursor.
int getgrcursorx(void); /* Get current postn */
Get current horizontal graphics cursor position.
Returns: Current X position.
int getgrcursory(void);
Get current vertical graphics cursor position.
Returns: Current Y position.
int initgrcursor(int grcursorindex,int color);/* Init. graphics cursor */
Initialize the graphics cursor to grcursorindex and color,
where grcursorindex is the cursor type to use.
void closegrcursor(void);
Remove, deinitialize the graphics cursor.
- TARGA(tm) Macros/Defines
#define HCTGANOMEM -2
#define MAXTGAXWIDTH 1280
#define MAXTCOMMENT 256
extern unsigned char tcomment[MAXTCOMMENT];
extern unsigned char tcommentsize;
- TARGA(tm) Functions
int hctgasize(char *fname,int *w,int *h,int *pixsize,int *ox,int *oy,int *type,int *comp,int *mapp,BYTE *csize,BYTE *comm);
Get the size of a Targa(tm) file FNAME.
Returns: Width W and Height H, pixel size in PIXSIZE,
origin in OX, OY, Targa type in TYPE. COMP and
MAP will be returned if the file is compressed and/or
has a colormap, and the size (in bytes, CSIZE) of the
comment COMM.
int hctgaview(char *fname,int x,int y,int x1,int y1,int dither,int jitter);
Display the Targa(tm) file FNAME in the rectangle defined by
(X,Y) and (X1,Y1). If DITHER/JITTER is TRUE, then dither/jitter 24
or 32 bit images while displaying. Image will be displayed starting
at (X,Y) and clipped to (X1,Y1). If X is -1, then the image will be
centered horizontally on the screen, if Y is -1, then the image will
be centered vertically on the screen.
Returns: 0 for success or an error code as
defined in HCTARGA.H
int hctgasave(char *fname,int x,int y,int x1,int y1,int compressed,BYTE csize,BYTE *comm);
Save the rectangular region of the screen defined by (X,Y)
and (X1,Y1) to a Targa-16(tm) file FNAME. Save as a compressed
file if COMPRESSED is TRUE, use a comment of length CSIZE (up to
255 characters) from COMM. Defaults to the entire screen if
(X,Y) is (-1,-1) and (X1,Y1) is (-1,-1).
Returns: 0 for success or an error code as defined in
- GIF(tm) Macros/Defines
#define HCGIFNOMEM -2
#define HCGIFBADGIF -3
#define HCGIFNOTGIF -4
- GIF(tm) Functions
int hcgifsize(char *filename,int *width,int *height,long offset);
Get the size of a GIF(tm) file FNAME, reading FNAME starting
at position OFFSET.
Returns: Width W and Height H, and the size
of the comment COMM, in bytes, CSIZE.
int hcgifview(char *filename,int xs,int ys,long offset,int autoscale);
Display the GIF(tm) file FNAME starting at position (XS,YS),
reading FNAME starting at position OFFSET. If AUTOSCALE is
TRUE, then sky the image up to try to fill the available area.
If XS is -1 then the width of the image will be centered on the
screen, and if YS is -1 then the height of image will be centered
on the screen.
Returns: 0 for success or an error code as
defined in HCTARGA.H